Saturday, December 22, 2007
New Year Resolutions for Prosperity, Wealth, Money...
Decide what you want! (You already know what you don't want. Right?)
You Have the Power to Take Full Charge of Your Life -
Only YOU can be the Designer of Your Future. The Law of Attraction.
If you want continued happiness, prosperity, wealth, wonderful health, blissful relationships, attracting your soul mate, work-at-home opportunity, and/or a progressive career, it is all possible when you use your Life Manager.
The Secret organizer of all your desires is your Life Manager. Learn how to crank it up to attract the life you desire instead of getting the same old challenges and struggles.
The Power of Feeling Good --Learn The Secret of Prosperity
Here's an important article about maintaining
a constant state of feeling good (as shown in THE SECRET)
in order to attract more success into our lives.
Enjoy and happy manifesting,
Your Prosperity-Coach
The Power of Feeling Good
by Song Chengxiang
All rights reserved
Today I am going to share a powerful lesson that you can use to immediately achieve any success you want in your life. And I promise you that if you do what I suggest you do, your success is guaranteed.
You will have everything you want in your life and enjoy the total fulfillment that you deserve. Remember this... there is no limit to what you can have, be and do. Every thing you can imagine, you can achieve. And you are going to find out how to do it now...
Feeling excited? Let's play a "what if" game. What if you could ask 100 of the most successful people in the world whether there was a single magic secret to success? What if they told you there was? What if they all gave you the same answer? Are you willing to do what they suggest you do?
Well I don't know what they will tell you, but I do know, from years of studying the most successful people, that there is one single most important factor that contributes to more of their success than any other factors combined, and anyone can use it to achieve his success no matter who he is, or what his current conditions are.
You must be eager to know what this secret is. Let me tell you now.
Listen Up!
The single most important factor for successful people is simply feeling good.
If success is really that simple, then why are so many people struggling?
That is a good question. We have been taught that in order to achieve something, we have to suffer first. It has been said, no pain no gain. But I tell you this ...That is ABSOLUTELY false.
Look at the life of a highly successful person. Is he suffering, is he struggling? If he is, then I can assure you that he is not successful in the area that he is struggling against. He may look successful in a certain area, but very unsuccessful in others. Have you ever seen a multimillionaire who is suffering from bad health? Why does that happen? He has all the money he needs to hire the best doctors in the world, why is he still suffering from ill health?
Here is what's really happening...
He is highly successful financially, because he feels really good about himself in the financial area; he is unsuccessful physically, because he feels bad about his health.
The point I want to make is this. If you notice someone who is extremely successful in one area, then you will be certain to notice he feels great about himself in that area. He has been conditioned to feel good in that area, just like most people have been conditioned to struggle in some areas of life.
If you are still not convinced, perhaps you can think of it this way. How do you define success? It is certainly not just about setting a goal and achieving it. That is important, but it's only part of the story. Success in my definition and in most successful people's definition is about enjoying a state of well-being in every moment of our existence. It all comes down to a state of feeling good.
You may not agree with me, you may consider success as having a million dollars in your bank account; you may consider success as being famous as a public figure. Then let me ask you a question: "why do you want a million dollars?", or "why do you want to be a famous person?" If you think hard about this question, you will find that all you want is simply to feel good.
Here is the big mistake that most people make. They think they are going to be happy once they get that million dollars, they think they will be happy once they become a superstar. But when they reach that goal, they feel a moment of excitement, and finally they realize that that is all there is. And then they set a higher goal, and wish they will be happy once they reach that goal. They will never be happy as long as they don't change their approach.
Then what is the right approach?
Since your ultimate goal is to feel good, then why not choose to feel good right now? How do you do that? It is simply by choosing to feel good at this moment. It is as simple as that. People have spent great amounts of money searching for techniques and strategies to make them successful, but they forget that the most powerful tool is the most fundamental; it is simply feeling good.
You may say "it is easier said than done, how can I feel good if I am broke?" If that is how you think, here is my answer to you... There are only two kinds of feeling we experience every day. One is feeling good, and one is feeling bad. (Like Abrahm-Hicks teaches.)
Good feelings send a powerful signal to the universe, and through the law of attraction, you will attract people, circumstances and events to match your state of feeling good. Bad feelings also send a powerful signal to the universe to bring back people, circumstances and events to match your state of feeling bad.
Have you seen that?
Feelings are the causes, conditions are the effects.
You cannot get away from being broke if you are feeling bad. You only reinforce the cause.
So begin to feel good one way or another, no matter what conditions you are in.
At the moment you choose to feel good, amazing things will happen.
If you don't believe me, try it. You have nothing to lose.
Song Chengxiang is the author of popular online ebooks "Rapid Manifestation" and "The Lost secrets of Manifestation". His words have helped thousands of people greatly change the quality of their lives and manifest their true desires easily and effortlessly. He has recently developed a powerful mind programming system- Quantum Mind Power, with a top brainwave entrainment Engineer Morry Zelcovitch. Check out this amazing new system
Friday, May 11, 2007
Attract Success --Using The Law of Attraction "The Secret."
Question: How can you have an abundant life if you are disconnected from your Source?
The latest technology is using Laser Reiki training and energy clearings to remove negative energy and emotional energy blockages. You cannot fully connect with Source energy if you're all blocked up. There is no room (in your body, mind or spirit) for the Source energy to flow through you and help bring you the joy that you desire.
For remote energy healing or long distance clearings ...go to the Reiki Healing Blog and request an energy healing. Your energy blockages to success and joy can be cleared. It is guaranteed that you'll feel good again and can truly attract success and wealth. Why struggle with Laser Reiki Healing Masters are standing by to help?
The same Question: How can you have an abundant life if you are disconnected from your Source?
What do you think?
Friday, April 27, 2007
The Law of Attraction (The Secret)
The Law of Attraction is nothing more or less than ...our thoughts and beliefs in operation.
When we think a thought over and over and finally it becomes a solid belief. That's what "The Secret" is all about!
"Your wish is my command," says the Law of Attraction!
This solid belief becomes a building block in the consciousness. We will fight to uphold our beliefs! (Remember that beliefs can be changed. They are not locked in nor carved in stone. Change your belief from scarcity to abundance! Life will only get better!)
We collect other thoughts of the same vibration and pretty soon it shapes our reality.
It proves to us that YES! "Life is good!" "Money loves me!" "Money comes to me easily and frequently!"
It proves to us that YES! "Life is hard." "Hard times" are seen everywhere. We also see scarcity. The friends that we attract are based on our beliefs. They, too, are experiencing "hard times" and it is very frustrating while at the same time comforting to know that we are not alone. Misery loves company. Hard time friends get together, drink beer and talk about how bad it is.
When you put your attention on: "What is wrong with a situation," it is guaranteed to get even worse. How to reverse this process? Check out this Report at
When you take the road to success you may have to change friends.
Getting The Success You Want Is Only Easy…IF YOU KNOW HOW!
Natural law doesn't judge what you believe.
It just delivers. It delivers in accordance with the energy and vibration of your beliefs. For instance, if someone believes that they "don't deserve to have more money unless they work very hard," the Law of Attraction will insure that they don't get more.
If they believe that it's hard to succeed in any endeavor, the universe will make things hard for them to succeed.
This isn't punishment -- it simply corresponds to what we believe!
It doesn't seem to care what is in our best interests. The law of Attraction delivers our thoughts. That's "The Secret", the DVD but out by my friends and taken from ancient writings of masters of manifestation.
Get a copy of "The Master Keys" – a 1910 prosperity manual that sold for $1500 back then. It is a free bonus when you buy the inexpensive eBook: How to Triple Your Home Based Business.
You can be in control. If your beliefs aren't giving you fulfillment where you are in life, despite all of your programming, you still have the power to change it.
So let’s look at where you want to be and how to get there using the Law of Attraction.
Some Key Points to Prosperity And Wealth In Your Home Based Business
1. Become aware of the thoughts you are thinking.When you follow these key points, attracting success becomes easier.
2. Listen to your self-talk.
3. Do your thoughts and your self-talk support your dreams and goals? (Write down your goals.)
4. If your thoughts don’t support your goals—choose new thoughts.
5. Use your imagination to see your dreams completed...
6. Warring: What your attitude is on what you get. Think about "what you don't want" and that's what you'll get! (Sorry, but that's the Law of Attraction!)
Defragging the mind is available in a Remote energy Reiki Healing. You seen to be stuck in negative patterns of your life? Go to the Reiki Healing Blog for help!Comments?
Please share your success (or failures) with us. We all can help each other.
Taylore Vance, A well-known writer submitting success articles for self employed baby boomers and retirees. Learn how to use the subconscious mind to relieve poverty-consciousness, negative mental programs, and to find the root cause of all financial problems. Negative mind programs can be deleted and re-programmed. For a free mini e-book and report visit
Online opportunities, and /
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Forgive yourself for Prosperity At Home Business
I've been doing this for some time now ...and I just saw part of it on the Oprah show (The Secret) and it was talking about forgiveness.
You use this forgiveness exercise to free up your energy.
Since "All is well!" in life ...then anything that has ever happened to you is also happening for your benefit.
Here's what I do:
I Just SAY, "Thank you for giving me that experience!" and I add quite a few "I Love You" with my hand over my heart. (Say "I love you" over and over until you can take a deep breath.)
This really works!!! Try it ... and let me know the results!
You will be able to move forward past: pain, shame, anger, rage, frustration, guilt, sadness, jealousy, worry, stress, etc.
You can move into joy, happiness, health and wealth!
Please leave me a comment about your experience with this exercise!
Taylore Vance
PPS: Would you like a remote healing, a Reiki remote healing? Visit and ask for a Reiki Healing... defrag the mind of useless mind programs!
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Attracting Success and Abundance
Welcome to a journey into Attracting Success and Abundance into your personal life as well as your home business.
As you read the Prosperity blog you will learn how to constantly bring your dreams into reality.
You will see how... what you are thinking, what you are saying, how you are feeling and what you are doing affects your prosperity at many levels. You may be interested in the two secret words that increased my success...
I, Taylore Vance, writer, energy healer, and student of life have found a way that tripled my income.
It doesn't matter if you are enployed, self employed or without a job.
Please help yourself... visit my web site for free reports and mini e-book on creating more money from any home based business. go to
These special words… when used in a special combination will help bring even more good things into your life and business!
The more you impress your goals upon your Life Manager, the more you’ll begin to understand how your mind has been limiting your success. You’ll learn how to improve your home business with just a few easy changes. I did and so can you.
In order to embrace these changes you must allow for the old to break free into the new. There may be some small moments of chaos in the changes; they will pass!
Any comments?
Would you like a free Work at home report- where you can discover how to increase your home based business income by using two simple words. Works with any business opportunity! Would you like to start a home business correctly? Go to this free ebook—
For Reiki I, II , III go to
Friday, October 20, 2006
Use "The Secret" To Attract Wealth Into Your Business
Are you earning as much income as you would like from your corporation, job, small business, or working at your home based business?
If not, you could use - The Secret - to create improvement in making money from your business efforts.
Look at your beliefs.
People’s attitude can cause them to miss an important opportunity.
Some viewpoints are not necessarily benefiting you especially if you came from a home with parents who experienced scarcity.
Many beliefs are just like junk software
They were picked up from parents, teachers and peers.
If you have the belief “that you have to work hard to earn money” -- then the Universe makes it true (that’s The Secret.)
You may have picked up other money beliefs from your parents, such as “Money doesn’t grow on trees,” or “Money is hard to get.”
As children we believe what our parents said and their patterns of “There’s not enough money,” got stuck in our emotional energy field.
It’s time to forgive our parents and move on. If you hold on to the past it will just pull you down. If there is no way to change the past, it is time to forgive them and yourself so you can move into the present moment -- the NOW!
By moving on… I mean for you to release those beliefs that are limiting your progress.
Simply make a sweeping motion with either hand down and out away from your body as you verbalize each belief and see it as already gone! (This secret method of clearing negative energy from your emotions has been rediscovered the founders of Laser Reiki) Next, focus your attention on positive aspects and/or your goals.
Pick one to focus one. Write it out and repeat it often.
How to Mainfest your corporate or home based goals:
- You write out exactly what you desire (“I want to make money in my home based business because it will give me joy and the freedom to spend quality time with my family, etc…)
- You put the statement in the present tense, as if you have already achieved it. (“I now have an increase in income and I feel so save, secure and blessed, etc…”)
- You read it twice a day.
- You visualized already having it and completing the project. You picture it as a “done deal!”
- Your job is to celebrate it as if it is already done!
Have you ever gotten stuck in bad feelings? When you are feeling bad, those worry and fear thoughts keep recirculating over and over in your mind. But besides that, you need to know, because of the way the Law of Attraction works, you are attracting more of those same bad thoughts back into you life simply by focusing on those problems. It is a vicious circle and you must get out… by focusing on the opposite of the problems.
Despite all of this past programming you still have free will. If you decide that your beliefs are not benefiting you (or causing your life to be too hard) you can choose other things to believe in and different thoughts to think. It’s that simple!
By choosing to think uplifting and supporting thoughts your beliefs about success in your home business will also change.
When the beliefs change… the outcome changes.
With this information you are creating new beliefs about “Attracting money with ease”.
To support your new direction toward even more love, joy, friendship, support, money, success and prosperity -- you just need to keep your attention on these uplifting words and feelings.
If your need extra help you might want to take a self-help class, a prosperity course, or get a self-esteem coach.
Check out these four resources and directories for education in this field:,,, and These four websites help us make all this free information available. Please go there and click the ads for great resources.
The Law of Attraction is “The Secret.”
It will deliver outrageous prosperity in your home based business right to your doorstep… when your energy is properly aligned.
It is called a natural law because it never varies. The Law of Attraction always delivers exactly the same. Ask and you shall receive.
What you think about -- you get!
Where you put your attention -- there you are!
It does not judge your experiences -- it only delivers. It will yield to you your loftiest dreams... when you are in alignment with them.
It says, “Your wish is my command!”
But, Beware! The Law of Attraction will deliver your fears a lot easier and quicker! For some reason it is easier to think negative thoughts and align with them than to think positive thoughts.
If you’d like the full story I invite you to check out our new e-book: “Triple Your Home Based Income… By Using Two Secret Words.” It’s 86 pages of details and exercises based on using The Law of Attraction.
Replace annoying mind chatter with a positive statement, such as, “Thank you, God, for even more of these positive thoughts -- of freedom, love, joy, success, abundance, and prosperity in my home or corporate business!”
(678 word to this article)
Has this information helped you? Please comment below:
Taylore Vance, a writer, has years of home business experience. Taylore, who is self employed shares how to make money in any work at home business at Learn how to triple your income without any extra hours or work. for the 86 page eBook.
Online opportunities
The Secret Of Prosperity At Home Business-Prosperity Blog
Entrepreneurs Are Using “The Secret”
Using the Natural Laws of the Universe for your corporate business or even for your work at home prosperity is the easy way to go.
Attracting your abundance has nothing to do with will power, strength or determination. When you understand the ease with which these tools work you will be amazed!
The Secret Enables You To See Possibilities
Let’s take a look at -- where you want to go in your home business and how to go about getting there with ease... using this tool:
Understanding The Law of Attraction (“The Secret”)
You are already using the Law of Attraction in your life by default! That’s why most of us live the haphazard lives we have. Some people’s lives bounce from one extreme to another. It’s hard to keep moving toward your goal (if you have one) because your thoughts and fears are being manifested as well as your dreams.
The Law of Attraction is active in your life. It started shortly after birth, but you were never educated about its existence or how to use it to accomplish your goals. The correct information on how to use this law has been a closely guarded secret shared within tightly controlled groups down through time. These families are the multi millionaires - thanks to The Secret.
Not having your thoughts under your conscious control has resulted in the ups and downs that make you ask: “Why is this happening to me?”
The Law of Attraction means: Where you put your attention -- there you are! And that’s what you’ll get! Be careful what you think; your thoughts are creating your experiences as well as your home based business success or failure.
If you think or concentrate on what is going wrong with your business you will get more of that automatically. On the other hand concentrate and think about the parts that are going great and even more success in your home business is yours automatically.
Meditation and prayer are tools to help you to clear the mind, the body and the spirit. I’ve found two unrelated resources to help you on this journey at and
Your Mind Was Programmed When You Were A Child
Your beliefs, attitudes, and where your attention flows have been programmed since you were a small child. Those thought forms might have put a limit on your success and the amount of money you can make.
Your parents gave you their story about life. It doesn’t make it true or false; it’s just their story. They got it from their parents and their life experiences. It’s usually a very limiting belief program unless your parents were very wealthy.
There’s a lot affecting your home business life at the emotional level. You may have picked up financial failure patterns from our parents.
If you look at your own job success and compare that with your parent’s financial earnings, you may see a pattern. It could put a cap on your income. Limiting beliefs can blind you to a good opportunity.
Blueprint For Success Or Failure
Did you inherit your parent’s blueprint for earning lots of money or to experience scarcity?
Most of us have our parent’s blueprint on how much money we may make and we can’t excel much beyond their level of success. It sounds weird but some of my clients have this problem. This is even more proof that our minds are programmed as children to only make enough money to get by.
Your ability to attract success in your home business can be as simple as rewriting your blueprint announcing that you already have even more income.
If you’d like the full story I invite you to check out our 86 page new e-book:
“Triple Your Home Based Income… By Using Two Secret Words.”
It works for big business just as well. Go to: and check out the 86 page eBook.
(584 words)
Taylore Vance, a writer, has years of home business experience. Taylore, who is self employed shares how to make money in any work at home business at Learn how to triple your income without any extra hours or work. Online opportunities